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CGO: For the majority of citizens of Montenegro, Njegoš is a part of Montenegrin culture, in Serbia this is a rare attitude

The majority of Montenegrin citizens believe that Njegoš is a part of Montenegrin culture, while this is a rare attitude in Serbia. The majority of Montenegrin citizens (72 percent) believe that the Montenegrin national identity exists independently of the Serbian one, while about a fifth is of the opposite position (22 percent). In Serbia, the views on this issue are divided, so the majority (38 percent) cannot be determined, then 33 percent believe that it exists, and 29 percent that it does not exist, according to the results of the "Plenum on Montenegrin-Serbian Relations" research conducted by the CGO. implemented in cooperation with ADD, and with the support of the Swiss Embassy.
The survey showed that when it comes to the Montenegrin language, 63.5 percent of citizens in Montenegro recognize it, while 36.6 percent of citizens do not.
On the other hand, more than half (56 percent) of those in Serbia do not recognize it, and only slightly more than a fifth (28 percent) of those who recognize it - CGO and ADD data show.
The influence of the SPC on internal political conditions in Montenegro is recognized by the majority of citizens in Montenegro, while the situation is completely reversed when it comes to the view from Serbia.
It is also interesting that almost 30 percent of respondents in Montenegro do not have an opinion on this issue, 28 percent believe that such an influence does not exist, and in Serbia 1/5 are of the position that such influence exists, about 1/5 do not have an opinion.
The majority of Montenegrin citizens believe that Njegoš is a part of Montenegrin culture, while this is a rare view in Serbia (four percent).
65 percent of respondents in Serbia think that Njegoš is part of both Montenegrin and Serbian culture, while 36.3 percent of respondents in Montenegro think the same.
22 percent of respondents in Serbia and 15.8 percent in Montenegro recognize Njegoša as an exclusively part of Serbian culture - the result of the survey.
The findings are part of the "Plenum on Montenegrin-Serbian Relations" project, which is led by the CGE and implemented in cooperation with the ADD, and with the support of the Swiss Embassy. Professional support was provided by Damar and HOW agencies.

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