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Croatia is the best on the planet for the third time

Croatia is the world champion, Marko Žuvela cheated the Italian goalkeeper Gianmarco Nikosio in the fifth penalty shootout to celebrate at 15:13!
Croats are the best on the planet for the third time, the Italians are regretting because they were close to winning a record fifth title. They led the "Azuri" to 1.40 before the end 11:10 (Fondeli hit from the box), they also managed to defend with one less player with 50 seconds to go, and then without any idea, until the end of time, they played their attack and made it possible for the rival to return. Five seconds before the end, the world champion equalized through Rino Burić and secured a penalty kick. Peterci did not start well for the Croats, in the second series De Lungo saved a shot from Fatović, and then in the third Ečenike hit the crossbar. The hero of the five-pointer in the semi-final with France – Mate Anić, in the fourth series read Di Fulvia, and Žuvela routinely finished the job.
There was no shortage of excitement in the regular part of the match, and Ivica Tucak's players knew how to win their third title.
In the match for third place, Spain defeated France 14:10.

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