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Đukanović: Three key state problems - education, education, education

We have no reason to suffer and to imagine that we are handicapped by the small number of people or a small state. No, it's all up to us. For me, the three key state problems of Montenegro are: education, education, education, said the President of Montenegro and presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Milo Đukanović, during a meeting with young people in Podgorica.
Đukanović talked to the young people about how today's challenges (do not) affect the future of this population in Montenegro. At the panel discussion, it was discussed that young people are equal participants in the processes of creating public policies and actors in the social life of the community.
In a crowded hall, in the presence of hundreds of young people, the importance of resolutely staying on the European path was discussed, which will provide young people with the same opportunities for personal and professional development as their peers in European countries. The panel discussion also discussed the importance of young people as carriers of sports development and the affirmation of the state, the direction in which the Montenegrin economy is moving, and the challenges that young people face today and their prospects for the future.
This was an opportunity for members of the younger generations to point out to the president their views and opinions related to the problems that society is currently in, to share their concerns about the future of our country, and to express their views on how the current crisis could be successfully overcome.
At the beginning of his address, Đukanović assessed that he believes that the key deficit not only of Montenegro but also of the region in which we live is the deficit of knowledge.
We are already part of the united European market in a way. Tomorrow we will formally be a member of the European Union. That is why we have to take care of our competitiveness on the market of united Europe. If we do not have a quality of knowledge that is competitive with the quality of knowledge in the countries of the European Union with the highest level of education system quality, we are practically handicapping our young generation. It may be competitive in Montenegro, perhaps in the region, but in this way we are limiting their reach and their chances - said Đukanović.
Among other things, young people said that they want better conditions for education that will bring greater competitiveness on the labor market, a better climate for the development of entrepreneurship and the arrival of foreign investors, which means new jobs and better wages. Their dominant desire is to contribute to the development of Montenegro. They said that they do not see their future in any Balkan projects, but in the European Union, and that President Đukanović is the only guarantor for the realization of that vision.
Đukanović pointed out that our education system, despite numerous reforms, has not been reformed to a level that would guarantee that competitive knowledge is acquired here, and that during the entire period of his involvement in politics, he was looking for opportunities to not rely only on reforms that require a certain time.
It is not enough to just write the best reform concept, it is necessary to reform everything from educational institutions to the people who work in these institutions, but in parallel we look for opportunities to acquire the necessary knowledge faster in order to reach the required quality of knowledge in Montenegro. This is a quality that is necessary in order to be able to move faster, better and more stably through the challenges that Montenegro is dynamically facing during the last couple of decades. We are an integral part of the acceleration of the global processes taking place. And of course we believed that we would have a good chance to achieve what we want by moving along the path of European integration. Why? Europe is building its global competitiveness on the assumption of a European knowledge society. This is the key comparative advantage of Europe - concluded Đukanović.
The President said that the European Union is creating its development more and more ambitiously, so that its strategic documents "Europe 2020" or the current document "Europe 2030" are full of content aimed at young people and their education, and that in this way Europe confirms that it is precisely he sees knowledge as his key comparative advantage on the global scene.
I think that with the restoration of independence, we have created an additional assumption, along with this focus on Europe, that the quotas that we previously received within the common state should now be wider, be more generous, to enable a greater number of young people to study at various European universities and through various programs and the program of the European Union. of the Union and through bilateral programs, they gain knowledge - said Đukanović.
He said that today we can certainly say that more than 1,000 young people, students or pupils, have already had their chance to further develop themselves in the accelerated process of acquiring knowledge at reference universities and that, "if the state policy is smart, that knowledge put it in the function of the prosperity of its country and citizens in that country".
Đukanović is of the opinion that it is very important for Montenegro that we all realize that neither the size of the country nor the size of the population they are no longer of crucial importance for the level of development. He cited Luxembourg as examples in Europe, Singapore in Asia as well as a good example of Dubai.
I'm talking about small countries, low-color countries. So, even by chance, we have no reason to feel inferior to anyone. For all these countries that I have mentioned to you, I have carefully studied their experiences, they have reached this superior development thanks to their intelligence. Therefore, we have no reason to suffer and to imagine that we are handicapped by the small number of people or a small state. No, it's all up to us. For me, the three key state problems of Montenegro are: education, education, education - Đukanović is more than clear.
He concludes that state policy should focus on this issue of economy, because he believes that the low level of entrepreneurship is a consequence of insufficient self-confidence.
Insufficiently developed entrepreneurial culture, insufficiently adopted entrepreneurial knowledge... If we resolutely tackle this, if we decide to abandon some previous truths and diagnoses and show that we really have no reason for any feelings of inferiority, but want to take advantage of the benefits offered by the state and which the country's membership in the broader European cultural space offers us, then I have no doubt that we will succeed in that - said Đukanović.
My belief is that Montenegro can not only become one of the most prestigious European, Mediterranean, tourist destinations, it already is, maybe we don't notice it, it already is, but I think that based on the results we achieve in tourism and which we can further upgrade, because I don't think we are even at 30 percent utilization of real capacities, if we were to continue working like this in other areas, I think there are no obstacles on the way for our country to reach the level of development of, say, Luxembourg in the foreseeable future - he pointed out Đukanović.
Đukanović said that the state should do its job and create the conditions for young people to fully utilize the enormous potential that can only bring welfare and a better future and prospects for our country.
Young people, on the other hand, should use the benefits that are indicated to them, and that they should continuously work on their education - concluded Đukanović.
Source - POBJEDA

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