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Borel with Milatovic: There are actors in Montenegro trying to undermine the security and path to the EU

European Foreign Minister Joseph Borel said during a meeting with President James Milatovic that there were structures that want to undermine Montenegrin stability and the way to the EU. Borel said he was glad that Milatovic chose Brussels as the first official visit after taking office.

This demonstrates your strong commitment to EU integration of Montenegro. Montenegro must speed up processes to become a full member of the EU. You are the first fine for EU membership and you have to speed up efforts, because your negotiations last long. We understate that Montenegrin politics is a hundred percent in line with EU policy. It's really to appreciate, "Borel said. He said, though in Montenegro, there are actors who do not like the principles on which the EU rests.

They try to undermine Montenegro, her stability, security, and the path to the EU - stated Borel, adding that the EU is ready to provide full support to Montenegro on the road to the EU. From our side, we can express our support, especially in the field of defense from foreign influences, cyber security, cyber threats. And we will continue to provide assistance to increase cyber security, and build cyber resistance, "Borel said.

He added that anyone's ever, that Montenegro keeps his strategic orientation.

We are facing this situation, created through Russian aggression in Ukraine and in these situations, retain Montenegrin strategic orientation will be more significant than ever - added European boss diplomacy.

As he said, Montenegro is the leader, but must meet important steps, not to satisfy Brussels and Member States, but their citizens.

From our side, we can express our support, especially in the field of defense from foreign influences, cyber security, cyber threats. And we will continue to provide assistance to increase cyber security, and build cyber resistance. Montenegro is the leader, but to accelerate the integration process, it must continue with reforms in particular in the field of law. Not to satisfy Brussels, nor 27 capitals of European countries, but to make your citizens feel before the benefits of EU membership - stated Borel.

Will also talk about Kosovo

He said that during the meeting with Milatovic, there was also a pathease in Kosovo.

I look forward to our cooperation in the coming years. These are difficult times for the Western Balkans, stating that there will be words on today's meeting in the north of Kosovo.

It is impossible to circumvent this topic. Violence we saw in the north of Kosovo, and the violence against the media, KFOR troops are absolutely unacceptable and lead us to a dangerous situation. We stand firmly with NATO and their mandate - Borel added. He said he was talking to Kosovo Prime Minister Aljbin Kurti and President Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, and that he called on both sides to take action to calm down the situation. He added that unilateral actions should be avoided, which could challenge tensions. He also said that he expected Kosovo authorities to interrupt police actions in front of the municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo, and from the gathered citizens to intervene with violence.

Borel said that we must not allow a new conflict, and that it is already working to organize a new meeting between the two sides.

Three Messages Milatovic

The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatović said ten days after the inagrasion in Brussels, in order to transfer three messages:

It is the first to thank the Commission and the EU for the support provided by Montenegro. I think the commitment you express our country and the Balkans of JeveMe is appreciated. The second message is that the expansion of Montenegro is a process that lasts very different. We became a candidate country in 2009 and started the negotiations in 2012 and due to lack of political will, we did not complete this process. There is currently a clear political will in the country to complete the EU accession - said Milatović.

The third message is that as he said, as the president began a party with parties in the country "hoping to be able to solve part of the reforms in the field of rules necessary to unblock the EU process"

With these three important messages I came to Brussels, hoping in the name of the Montenegrin people that Montenegro would be the next member of the EU - said Milatović.


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