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BUGAJSKI Montenegrin elections Key for the stability of the Western Balkans

Janush Bugajski, senior associate of Jamstown Foundation from Washington, assessed that the presidential election in our country were an important stability test of the Western Balkans.

In the author's text for the famous American political magazine Washington Egyiner, Bulay pointed out that candidates for the president with diametrically opposite positions and attitudes on the future of the country and the region.

While the current Pro-Western President and the candidate Milo Đukanović has long been recognized as someone who supports NATO and the United States policy, its two main anti-laws want a stronger connection with Belgrade and Moscow. Andrija Mandić is a democratic Front, the Serbian Nationalist Party, and Aleksa Bečić was recently president of the parliament and supported the foreign policy of Belgrade. They both have to do with the Serbian Orthodox Church, which showered Serbian nationalism - said Bulaya.

As he stated, after a long period of progress in re-acquainting its independence, NATO joining and qualifying for candidate for the European Union, Montenegro is now on the strategic intersection.

She is also at the head of the prosecution order in the Western Balkans and at the same time facing serious threats to their independence. This threat comes primarily from two interconnected sources: the Pan-Serbian nationalism created by the Government in Belgrade and Russian state imperialism designed to support the Balkans against the West. Both Belgrade and Moscow rely on the adopted Serb population, which is estimated at 30 percent of the total number, and divisions among Montenegrin parties to obtain positions in the Government - notes Bulay.

His rating is that Montenegro has earned significant political capital in Washington in the last three decades.

The country preserved the interethnic peace, hosted a large number of refugees from other war-disgraced post-Jugoslav republics, fenced Slobodan Milosevic and his violent promotion of Serbian nationalism and qualified for NATO membership. The current coalition government selected in August 2020 and dominated by promotiongrades in the government, wastes the political capital of Montenegro and turns the country in the failed democracy similar to Serbia. Paradoxically, the coalition selected by the assumption that the accession of Montenegro's EU accession and fight corruption withdrew the country in the opposite direction - he pointed out.

Bugajski is a special note that, although the government accuses Djukanovic and his earlier democratic party of the socialist for corruption, the very current authority is deeply connected to Serbian and Russian security services funded by anti-compatible politicians.

The Probeo Grobleau lost its vote on the trust in parliament in August 2022 and has no mandate to implement reforms necessary to qualify for EU membership. In order to interrupt the current political blockade, Montenegro should maintain parliamentary elections after the presidential election. Although Montenegro is a member of NATO, the Policy of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić aims to subdue its sovereignty and subordinate foreign policy. The "Serbian World" project that revived Vučić no longer includes a direct war, ethnic killings, mass expulsions and territorial occupation, as it was in the 1990s. Instead, Belgrade's strategy aims to divide and weaken the neighbors and politically dominates them - written by Bugajski.

He noted that three main targets of Serbian mini-imperialism are Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Serbian nationalists do not recognize the special national identity and statehood of Montenegro, as Russian nationalists do not recognize Ukrainians and Belarus. Vučić plans to the Union of Serbia and Montenegro, modeled on Putin's aspiration towards Russia and Belarus, with Montenegro as a younger partner. In such an arrangement, Belgrade would help determine the external and security policy of Montenegro. Washington and Brussels tried to put Djukanovic aside in recent years, considering him too long as a president or prime minister. This narrow perspective was favored by the selection of the Anti-Djukanovic's coalition in 2020, which generated domestic conflicts and frozen the necessary legal and economic reforms. The choice of promotion president and postponement of the Parliamentary elections will encourage Vučić's administration to push the agenda "Serbian world" throughout the region - the rating of Bugajski.

As he concluded, the United States and the EU must be unequivocally in support of democratic elections that strengthen the independence of Montenegro and who do not provide new penetrations for the influence of the Kremlin.

Washington Examiner is a magazine appreciated primarily in a more conservative American political audience, goes out once a week and was established in 2005.


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