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COMMENT: Montenegrins of three faiths

The severe political and institutional crisis, which has been affecting Montenegro for almost three years, has collapsed and completely rendered meaningless everything in the country. Crazy fascism in its undoubtedly worst form has been ruling Montenegro for almost three years. Today in Montenegro, everyone who is not a Serb or Orthodox is on the pole of shame and without any rights. The public space has been contaminated to such an extent that everyday life has become the disparagement of all who are not Serbs and who do not belong to the religious organization called the Church of Serbia. The dignitaries of these officially religious, but formally and essentially anti-Christian militant-politicians, genocidal and anti-civilizational organizations call for bloodshed and the disappearance of all Montenegrins in particular. However, the topic of this comment is not that criminal organization and its pawns that currently rule in Montenegro. The topic is precisely the Montenegrins, those who are disenfranchised in every possible way, and not just anywhere but in the country that is named after them. Their basic human rights are threatened, even their bare survival and life. And as a result, we do not see the unity of those who are threatened, nor their joint action. On the contrary, we see a worse and more dangerous rivalry and hostility between them than towards the clero-fascists in and around the Church of Serbia, that is, those who threaten them. We hear every day if this guy is at the protest, I won't, and where he is, and why he isn't there, and why he appeared, and why he was coming.... Essentially, they show us only one thing, that because of this or that individual or this or that party, they are ready are in the fire and the state itself to send and to put a noose around its neck themselves, if necessary. Only one possible conclusion comes to me, and that is that they, just like those they will not be with, use the state for personal gain, and that they care about Montenegro just as much as last year's snow. Everyone beat themselves up with heroic stories about Montenegro and its defense, and when the moment comes that it is threatened, as it undoubtedly is today, then the heroes beat themselves up, but not because of this or that, because he came or didn't come. Treacherous and hypocritical, and cowardly, so blame me as much as you want. Recently, there are more and more people who poison us with the fact that Montenegrins can only be Orthodox. That there are no Catholics, Muslims or Jews in Montenegrins. So I wonder what about us who have always been Montenegrins and are not Orthodox? Are we welcome in our country? Is our right to a name contested because of the religion we belong to? And in the end, what is the difference between those names of Montenegrins who believe that we cannot be Montenegrins because we are not Orthodox and Serbs, who have been sowing blood under the same Orthodoxy for three decades? misery, pain and misfortune? For me, there is essentially no difference between them, because both challenge my right to be who I am and what my ancestors were. Only uneducated, unaware, hate-filled and prepared for all kinds of evil individuals can claim what they claim! I have to visit them and to the indisputable and documented historical facts that Montenegro was originally a Catholic country and that everyone in it today is a descendant of Catholics. But is that a reason for someone to say that you are not a Montenegrin if you are not a Catholic? No, and it cannot be! Because my names are Montenegrins, just to remind you that Montenegro gives birth to fighters of three Montenegrin faiths! Montenegrins who, together with their brothers by name, and not by religion, because faith is an intimate matter of every individual, will stand side by side in the defense of our mother Montenegro, and in that fight with them, all those who are not Montenegrins, and who perceive it as their homeland.
Everything is transient, only Montenegro is eternal!
author - M.Jahović

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