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Constitutional Court without a decision on the initiative to evaluate the constitutionality of Đukanović's decree

The Constitutional Court did not make a decision regarding the initiative for the evaluation of the constitutionality of the decree on the dissolution of the Assembly issued by the President Milo Đukanović.
The announcement states that at today's session, "in case U-II number 11/23, the proposal of the judge-rapporteur did not receive the constitutionally required majority".
The reporter judge, as reported by the "Vijesti" portal, suggested that the initiative of the parliamentary majority to evaluate the constitutionality of the Decree be rejected because the decision of the President of the State is an individual legal act. The judge is of the opinion that the act of dissolution of the Assembly is not a regulation and that the Constitutional Court cannot evaluate it.
However, the decision was not made because the Constitutional Court currently has six judges.
Today, as specified in the announcement, President Budimir Šćepanović and judges Snežana Armenko, Dragana Đuranović, Milorad Gogić, Desanka Lopičić and Momirka Tešić decided.
"Vijesti" writes that three voted for, three against, and it was necessary for four judges to support it.
Members of the parliamentary majority submitted to the Constitutional Court an initiative to review the constitutionality of President Milo Đukanović's decision to dissolve the Assembly, and requested that the Court, pending a final decision, order the suspension of the execution of all individual acts or actions based on the Presidential Decree.
Đukanović previously issued a decree on the dissolution of the Assembly, and called for extraordinary parliamentary elections for June 11.
M. J.

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