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Despite EU criticism: Montenegro abolishes visas for tourists from third countries

Tourists from Saudi Arabia and more other countries can stay in Montenegro without visas this year, despite last year's criticisms of the European Commission, which stated that Podgorica removed from the European Union's visa policy (EU).

At the last session on April 26, the government made the decision that Saudi tourists can stay in Montenegro without visas and up to 30 days, from May 5 to October 31.

Given that he was furthest in the process of accession, Montenegro is expected not to abolish the visa regime for third-country citizens, who cannot in the EU to enter with no previously approved visas.

The Prime Minister's Advisor for Foreign Policy Đorđe Radulović for Radio Free Europe (RSE) explains that the mismatch with the visa regime comes mainly during the summer months.

In order to provide guests from the growing markets from the Growing Third State and assisted by our economy by temporary release, during the tourist season.

At the Government's session, VicePremier Vladimir Joković said that no reason would see why the procedure would not be initiated to abolish visas for Saudi Arabia.

Of course, no one will come out of such a rich state to bother something in Montenegro, we can only have welfare from it - Joković is convinced.

However, Radulović rejects the possibility of coming to the full abolition of visas to enter Montenegro.

There is no permanent release of visa for Saudi Arabia citizens or some of the mentioned countries, as Prime Minister Abazovic [Dritan] mentioned at the Government's session, could influence the visa-free regime of our citizens with the EU - adds Radulović.

The Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic also warned the Government's session that Montenegro must adjust the visa policy with the EU if he wants to preserve visa-free regime.

Apart from Saudi Arabia, the government decided to temporarily abolish visas this year, among others, and for the inhabitants of Egypt, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

The measures of the seasonal exclusion from the visa obtaining are not in line with European regulations and these countries are on the list of those in which it is needed to enter the EU.

Special conditions for entering Montenegro

In order for Montenegro to protect against any abuse, special procedures and measures for tourist entry into the state from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Uzbekistan are envisaged.

According to the newspaper "Saudi Gazet", to enter Montenegro, Saudi tourists must come directly from Saudi Arabia, with the confirmation that they have a return flight, the costs of accommodation and the invitation letter of the travel agency.

Criticism of the European Commission

The European Commission in the last report stated that Montenegro is not fully harmonized with the list of countries whose citizens is the need for EU visa.

On the contrary, Montenegro on 2021 and early 2022 was further away from the recommended harmonization. In May 2022, the Government approved temporary exemption visas for Saudi Arabian citizens, valid from June to September, with the aim of replacing the fall of tourists from Russia and Ukraine - the document.

The decline in tourists caused the Pandemic of the Corona virus in 2020 and the Invasion of Russia to the neighboring Ukraine February 2022, after which sanctions followed, but also ban the flights of Russian aircraft.

Until the end of April 2022, Zdravko Krivokapić, which was inherited by Dritan Abazovic by the end of April 2022.

During that period, the number of countries that have been temporarily released the obligations of visiting visa.

The European Commission states that Montenegro was previously acquitted for the visa, temporarily or permanently, citizens of 13 countries, including Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, China, Cuba, Kuwait, Qatar and Turkey.

Problems due to UAE relief

The European Commission pointed out that foreigners, who have a residence permit in the United Arpas Emirates (UAE), can enter Montenegro and stay up to ten days without a visa.

Several cases of abuse of this visa regime recorded Montenegrin institutions.

In the Fifth Report of the European Commission, the visa suspension is specified that "individual foreign citizens in the UAE returned to the UAE and instead disappeared with the probable intention to enter the EU."

The document is added that any further distance from the list should be avoided.

Montenegro should ensure progress in harmonizing their policy with a list of EU, especially for those third countries that represent unregulated migration and security risk - states.

The European UnionHellows in December that all Western Balkan countries must harmonize the visa regime for citizens of so-called third countries, in order to all be corroded with irregular migration.

Visa alignment is mandatory. It is inconceivable and unacceptable for our Western Balkan partners to have a visa-free arrangement, whose citizens use legal gaps to enter the EU-stressed European Commission's vice president, responsible for promoting the European lifestyle.

One of the recommendations to Montenegro in the last the European Commission report is that this year take steps towards complete harmonization with the list of the European Union.


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