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DF and SNP to form a government regardless of the Western warning

After the special envoy of the United States Gabriel Eskobar made it clear to the parliamentary majority so as not to elect the Government under the amended Law on the President of the DF and SNP, they researched on the necessary views on the necessity of forming a new executive.

Previously, one of the DF leaders Andrija Mandic told the Public Service to open the way to the election of a new government by signing the President's Law. He said that they were ready to talk to the President of Montenegro Mount Milo Djukanovic on the proposal of the mandaters of the parliamentary majority and the election of a judge of the Constitutional Court. SNPA Prophet Bogdan Bozovic for Radio Montenegro points out that with the support of amendments to the President's Law, his party made it clear that for the formation of 44 governments composed of representatives of the parliamentary majority. The recommendations of Western allies respect.

“By vowing the amendments to the President's Law, we unequivocally demonstrated the commitment to form 44. Montenegro government than parties that made the majority after the Parliamentary Elections of the 30th August 2020. As far as the attitudes of high representatives of the international community are certainly respected, especially Our sexual partners. I could not comment on the more detailed statements of our sexual partners. Citizens in every developed democratic state, Djrajans are sovereignty carriers, their representatives are deputies in parliament and I think they need to have complete freedom to make decisions, but primarily in the interest of the citizens of Montenegro, ”Bozovic said.

Civis leader Srdjan Pavicevic said that all the moves of the parliamentary majority so far have been extracted, in order to stop President Milo Djukanovic's arbitrariness. He believes that, as he says, he is abusing the situation to continue to continue to do Valda on conflicts and extremism. He says that partners from the west do not look at the situation in the right way.

“The fact is that at this point, there are disagreements between us and delegates from the west in relation to what we see as an objective reality and what they see. Specifically, we should be aware of the fact that all these moves we took over these days were in a gallery extorted moves that the so -called electoral majority was forced to do because of the initiator of one to say the relative insolubility was President Mr. Milo Djukanovic with his attitude and the attitude towards this election majority directly in this process of the Government change. So we came to the conclusion that the only way to defame from his views and his ideas, or to say the manner of the manner, was actually the vote of this law. This law was apparently in the eye of our interlocutor and our consultants and friends from the west. However, the fact is that we walk this way and this path on the one hand and disturbed, or extorted because we are forced to defend ourselves from one of the Partedator Ideas of Self -Pricing and the idea that power is only on one side. Whether and what we will do next to me at this point is not sure that I can give you the correct and quality answer, because in the next two or three days the process of direct consultations, which will be done by CIVIS with the Civic Movement and where we will do At the coalition level, to make conclusions with what the steps are and which way it is best to go. Obviously, this situation as such is unsustainable, that the self -lining and self -love of Mr. Djukanovic, one day, in any way, this and one must be stopped and that simply democratic uses and principles of the functioning of the state of Montenegro and any other normal state must establish. Now the thing is that we find one model that will be of the least damage to the state of Montenegro and we will surely participate in this, because without further we are neither the people of this country, and at least we are traitors and national wills and states . The fact is that someone is very abused by this situation and that this is very fondly suited to this situation of the gray and one legal, formal and general constitutional form of our life and action because it is a great ideal space for the creation of tensions, a charge of conflict and extremism. One in fact wants to continue their policy on conflicts and believes that conflicts are the only model and way they can survive in power. We are all saturated and printed conflict and none of us wants to participate in this and we will surely seek all the way together to get out of this. With our western consultants our Western allies must understand one thing that this Montenegro has a heterogeneous population and that this group extent belongs to a large corpus of Montenegrin Serbs, which are representative of parties that are obviously not at will because they consider them extreme and close Russian and Serbian sources of politics.

However, they seem to consider smaller evil that on the other side stands another extreme group that, under the auspices of alleged patriotism and great love for Montenegro, deeply went deep into the crime zone and corruption that literally as a release of the state and which without further and in that respect There is no future for the management of politics. This country with this way of leading the policy of divisions, violence, extremism only goes into one absolute disintegration into a absolute dissolution that can end the darkest scenarios we have had the opportunity to watch the last 20 years. We are consultations ahead of us, a common decision to see, to choose the best way to get out of this situation. Without these consultations, I could not tell you at this point a definitive and decidal attitude of Civis, Ure and coalition black to white, because we believe that we must look at all the aspects all that is currently happening and is taking place, ”Pavicic points out.

For the civilian activist of the Juvdet Pepic with the formation of the Government, the Government was late, and everything is evaluated by force, and this kind of spite of the Nikon cannot bring good and at least Grašani. The recommendations of the West had to be listened to much earlier, says Pepic, adding.

The Democratic Front states that the President of the State Milo Djukanovic does not have the right to dispel the Assembly by pointing, responding to Professor Djordji Blazic's position that the President of the State should have dissolved Parliament earlier. The most believe that Milo Djukanovic, regardless of the advice The adventure and that he will start talking to a parliamentary majority in order to reach new members of the Constitutional Court through dialogue, a new election legislation, the election of the Supreme State Prosecutor.


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