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FCJK: Everything we do is legal and transparent

The Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature, as a higher educational and scientific institution in Montenegro, has been a regular target of the propaganda platform Vijesti and its editors since its foundation in 2014, FCJK announced.
It is not, they say, the first time that newspapers that have long lost their credibility try to fabricate affairs - with bombastic headlines, distortion of facts and false accusations.
Now completely at the service of the current minority and outgoing Government of Dritan Abazović, which discriminated against our institution in every possible way, both publicly and secretly (as well as the Government of Zdravko Krivokapić, which blocked our funding), in its today's edition, Vijesti has its front page and main dedicated to the theme of the number FCJK - they say in the announcement.
In short, they add, they will summarize their accusations:
1. Kosović claims that none of the professors with an academic title at FCJK have the legally acquired conditions for election to the title 2. Kosović frivolously interprets legal acts and regulations and, in the manner of malicious interpreters, tries to humiliate FCJK because this institution has an agreement on cooperation with the International University in Novi Pazar. 3. Kosović disparages all the published works of FCJK professors and all international linguists and philologists who were selected in their countries based on the works in the journal Lingua Montenegrina and falsely claims that the journal Lingua Montenegrina is not in a prestigious international database. For the sake of the public, we are obliged to respond to his den, which aims at defamation, denunciation and discredit of FCJK, and finally its shutdown. That is why we are telling him: 1. FCJK as an independent institution has the right to sign cooperation agreements with other higher education institutions in Montenegro and abroad - they state in the announcement.
They add, there is no legal obstacle for FCJK professors to be elected to teaching positions outside of Montenegro, when the current law already stipulates that they cannot be elected to positions at their home institution.
After all, such a ban does not exist even for professors of any other faculty and university, and Kosović's propagandistic statement according to his free assessment of the "practice of the largest number" of unnamed but "established" universities that "professors when transferring to another university start from a lower title level" is in the same level with the regulations valid only since 2019 for the selection of academic titles in the territory of Montenegro is a blatant indicator of his intentions. After all, if they are going to interpret the regulations retroactively towards everyone, as they are trying to do with the FCJK, let Vijesti take away the titles of the majority of the teaching staff of the University of Montenegro, including two titles of the rector and all three presidents of the UOC Board of Directors, because they have acquired them because they are currently invalid for Montenegro. rules - they emphasize in the announcement.
FCJK, they say, has excellent cooperation with the International University in Novi Pazar and a rich exchange achieved through the European Union's Erasmus+ program.
Thanks to this cooperation, FCJK professors decided to acquire their academic titles at that institution, which is licensed for that. 3. Lingua Montenegrina magazine is a prestigious Slavic magazine and as such is represented in the ESCI database. The ESCI database is categorized as a journal of international importance for the selection of titles at the university, which is carried out by FCJK professors. So everything FCJK does is legal and transparent. If the initiators of this propaganda pamphlet could do anything, they would achieve it institutionally, they would not reach for media Goebbels - they say in the announcement.
They add that "inciting the lowest instincts and calling for the hunting of FCJK by highlighting the budget funds of FCJK is the manner of chauvinist scribblers, because according to Kosović's logic, the funding of FCJK should be abolished".
In the end, it is clear to us - this is classic propaganda of subterfuge and manipulation, distortion of facts and false accusations only because the FCJK has never agreed to prostitution, which has been regularly rewarded on the public political scene for three years, and has always openly criticized large-state projects that manage News and Montenegro - they conclude in the announcement.

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