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Inauguration of Milatović on the 20th of May in Podgorica

The newly elected president of Montenegro Jakov Milatović will be inaugurated on May 20 in the Parliament of Montenegro in Podgorica, the president of Parliament Danijela Djurovic said.

"Pursuant to Article 84, paragraph 1 of the Rules of Procedure of Montenegro, I convene the Assembly of Montenegro 27. Convinces for the third session of the first regular (spring) session in 2023 for 20th (Saturday) in 2023. In accordance with Article 97, paragraph 3 of the Constitution of Montenegro, in front of the MPs in the Parliament of Montenegro, elected President of Montenegro, La Jakov Milatović and enter the president of Montenegro, "said Djurovic.

The session will be held in the building of the Parliament of Montenegro, starting at 12 o'clock.


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