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Kaluđerović was detained for up to 72 hours

Božidar Kaluđerović (18), the fifth participant in the incident in Bar, was questioned today at the Basic State Prosecutor's Office, after which he was detained for up to 72 hours.
After questioning the suspect B.K. from Bar, due to the criminal offense of violent behavior, and in connection with the physical attack that took place on April 15, 2023 in the village of Šušanj on minor sportsmen from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the acting prosecutor issued a decision on detention for up to 72 hours, within which time it will be submitted proposal for ordering custody to the Basic Court in Bar - according to the press release of the ODT Bar.
We remind you that the Bar police arrested Božidar Kaluđerović (18) on suspicion that he participated in the beating of two minor athletes from Sarajevo, one of whom was transported to the Clinical Center of Montenegro due to serious injuries.
Four juveniles from Bar were previously deprived of their liberty and they will be held criminally responsible for the attack on two juveniles from Sarajevo.
M. J.

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