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MAŠKOVIĆ: There is a danger that the EU will stop the negotiations on accession with Montenegro

In addition to the parliamentary majority, despite the warnings of the Venetian Commission, the Constitution of Montenegro and attacked the legal order of the state directly by stabbing the institution of the President, they, as never before, were shaken by the international reputation of Montenegro, said a member of the Executive Board of the Social Democrats of Montenegro (SDCG) Milos Maskovic.

The consequences of such decisions, that is, the overall political and institutional crisis, are seriously questioned by the sexual home of Montenegro. I think there is a real danger that when it comes to Montenegro, the EU will activate the balance clause, which means stopping the EU accession negotiation - said Maskovic.

He recalls that during the past two years, in almost all reports on the progress of Montenegro by the EU, the EVIdented stagnation or even backwards in individual areas.

43. The Government, with a scare, acted in contrast to the EU recommendations and adopted numerous laws and other acts that are not in accordance with the EU legal tekova, which is, among other things, the Law on the President - said the SD Executive Board.

On the other hand, he said, the reactions of our international partners on the adoption of the unconstitutional law on the President suspect the possibility for such a scenario.

Montenegro is a country without the rule of law today, which is not European values. By the way, Montenegro heritage is less and less European and more and more Serbian values. This is not the place in Europe. - Maskovic concluded.


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