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Marovic: Djukanovic should dissolve the Assembly

The President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović should dissolve the Assembly and announced extraordinary parliamentary elections, the former Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Policy Jovan Marovic.

Marović said in an interview between Mina Kazala that Djukanovic must call elections when the legal requirements are acquired.

When asked if he expects that this will happen, Marovic said he could not respond precisely.

"I'm skeptical that some new government will be enough European, but it's most logical to have extraordinary parliamentary elections," she said.

The question feels the responsibility that at the time of its mandate in the Government, in which he entered the Montenegro's integration (EU) in the last five years, Marovic replied that it was debatable for measurement .

She said she agrees that no progress has been made, but that the situation was completely identical as it was throughout the negotiating process.

"To use the European Commission (EC) dictionary (EC), Montenegro had a completely identical assessment as the Government of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) while further progressing in the negotiation process," Marović said.

As it stated, Montenegro has not been progressing in the negotiation process since 2018, regardless of the fact that the remaining negotiating chapters opened.

Marovic stated that the EC in 2018 would be threatening and frozen the process for attacking journalists and because there were no progress in the dismissal of these cases, due to various affair and crime scandals.

According to Marovic, it is painful that, and when the government has changed, nothing specifically has changed.

"There were certain advances, by appointing a chief special prosecutor, cases, the impression is gained that there were no more untouchables, although there were, but we did not move in the negotiation process," said Marovic.

She said that it can partly agree that Montenegro has other complicated things to address compared to those who are in the focus of the negotiation process.

Asked whether there are those under the underlying contract between Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church, Marovic stated that that contract was one of the reason why everything he led, headed downhill.

"Now, when you look at things from this distance, whether something that has changed something - didn't really talk about the underlying contract - no, whether it was good timing - no, whether I agree with the text of the fundamental agreement - I don't agree, "Marovic said.

She said that he disagrees with the preamble of the contract, stating that this document was unnecessary because, as she said, amendments to the Law on Freedom of Religion is all defined.

Marovic added that he did not dispute that the fundamental contract was supposed to be signed, but that there was disputed timing and content.

Asked when she signed him, Marovic said that, if the government was formed to be an accelerated process of European integration, then something needed to do something in the way to the EU.

Answering the question about the residues in the Government, which was given on the day of the announcement of the Ministry of European Affairs, on whose forehead, on the Open Balkan Initiative, Marovic replied that the act was the product of many things.

"But the most important ones I have highlighted, that in such circumstances, I could not accelerate and change things from the vice president," Marovic said.

She said that the responsibility was on government, but mostly on parliament.

"For what was most important to us in the negotiation process depended on the Assembly and from MPs that could not have agreed on the most important issues from the negotiation process, as it needs a two-thirds or tropophic majority in the second round," she said She Marovic.

She stated that the EU, although she did not have a negative position on the occasion of the open Balkans, gives the primacy to the Berlin process.

Answering the question of what the chances of Montenegro enter into the EU in the next five years, which is part of the campaign of the state of the state of DPS Đukanović, Marović said that the president does not guide external policy.

"The negotiation process is led by the Government, and most depends on the Government in which Perod to meet the conditions for membership. If we could join the EU, it depends on the Union, does it have a vision for the Western Balkans, whether it really wants to join any state of that region in a further period, or all at once, "Marović said.

She pointed out that Djukanovic, ie DPS, from 2006 to 2020, "he had when to introduce us to the EU."

"The question arises why this did not happen and what will be essentially changed that the DPS will lead us to the EU. In order for him to influence, the DPS would have to form the next government. There are a number of preconditions that he could do so, and the biggest problem is the coalition capacity of the DPS, "Marovic said.

When asked what the chances of leader of new Serb democracy Andrija Mandic introduce the state in EU , Marovic said that he did not exist as listlessly.

"Because he does not agree with the largest obligations from the EU accession process, neither with sleds in Russia and the issue and LGBT communities and even women's rights and everything else that Democratic Front (DF) does not presents" she said.

Commenting to the election campaign for the presidential elections, Marovic said he was a strange composition of the campaign.

"You have a strange kind of tacit cooperation between DPS and DF, at least for us who are not familiar with what is rolled behind the hills, everything leads to the fact that Mandic and Djukanovic be in the second round. Then the biggest problem is how a civil oriented elector will decide in that case, "Marovic said.

She said there was no true civil candidate, but that some are just on paper.

"These are the candidate of the Social Democratic Party of Draginja Vuksanović Stankovic, the Democrat Aleksa Bečić, the Movement of Europe USA Jakov Milatović, in that way, in that way, in any disputed element of nationalism," Marović believes.

Asked whether he receives a functional compensation after the termination of the function, she responded in the affirmative.

"I'm receiving because I have been resigning from the principle and thus remain on the street, I need a certain period that after this experience I set myself goals, and only then to find a steady job," Marovic explained.

She said that I would hope that I will not receive the official salary for 12 months, because he said, he does not accept that "Catches would zajali and enjoy the account of citizens" than because of the current necessity.

When asked if she repented what she had entered into politics, Marovic replied renunciated.

"No, no matter what that experience was not the most positive. If I didn't try, I'd probably rehearse. Every time, at some point must be the level of taking responsibility and attempts to speed up some things at that level, "Marovic said.


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