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Media center: The conditions have been met for the dismissal of the RTCG ombudsman

The media center believes that the conditions have been met for the Council of the RTCG to relieve the ombudsman Danijela Popović of her duties because her actions are contrary to the Law on the National Public Broadcaster Radio and Television of Montenegro and the general acts of the RTCG.
The culmination of such behavior, as they say in the Media Center, occurred with the rejection of that organization's last objection to TVCG reporting and the scandalous reaction to the statement issued by the Media Center on that occasion. The objection referred to the omission from the report of important points from the Resolution on Montenegro, which was adopted by the Parliament of the European Union on October 18, and which concern the illegal election of the general director of RTCG, Boris Raonic.
The scandal is reflected in the fact that ombudsman Popović, as reported by the media, thinks that her job "is not to comment on the topics and the way in which they are processed, but that this is a matter of assessment by the RTCG editorial team - it was stated in the statement signed by the president of the Assembly of the Media Center Dragoljub Duško Vuković.
This, adds Vuković, shows that Ombudsman Popović does not know the responsibilities of the ombudsman prescribed by the Law on the National Public Broadcaster Radio and Television of Montenegro or does not know how to interpret them, which is equally inadmissible.
The law, he recalls, prescribed, among other things, that the ombudsman "monitors compliance with RTCG program principles", which unequivocally indicates that the ombudsman's duty is precisely to monitor whether the choice of topics and the way they are processed correspond to what is written in the internal rulebook on professional principles and standards.
In that document, which is called the Rulebook on program principles and professional standards, it is nicely written that "informational programs must accurately convey events, data and statements, enabling viewers and listeners to form their own opinions. Journalists and editors are responsible not only for what they publish, but also for what they keep silent, which is of interest to the public," Vuković said.
According to him, it was in the interest of the illegal director general of RTCG Boris Raonic to keep silent about the views of the EU Parliament on his illegal election, but, he points out, it was not in the interest of the public, and that is precisely the interest that Ombudsman Popović should take into account.
Acting in the interest of the illegal general director, and not the public, RTCG ombudsman Danijela Popović, we repeat, became an accomplice in hiding information from the public, which is why she has completely lost her credibility and it is pointless to keep her in this important position. The hiding of information continued yesterday in the show Dnevnik 2, in which the ombudsman's reaction to the announcement of the Media Center was published. From the announcement, to which the ombudsman reacted, only a half-sentence was quoted, which contains a complaint about complicity in hiding information, but without stating the arguments for that complaint, and which is based on the fact that TVCG, while reporting on the EU Parliament's Resolution on Montenegro, remained silent views on the illegal election of general director Boris Raonic. Due to a new violation of professional standards, the Media Center today sent complaints to the Agency for Electronic Media and the Ombudsperson RTCG - concluded Vuković.

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