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Milatović cannot undo the decree of the dissolution of the Assembly

The Executive Director of the Monitoring and Research Center for RTCG that the newly elected president Jakov Milatović could not bring a decision to the President Milo Djukanovic to dissolve and announce extraordinary parliamentary elections for June 11th.

As he conveyed the portal of RTCG, Nenezić also believes that it was not good that Milatovic did not resign on party functions. In the morning program of TVCG, it announced that the extraordinary parliamentary elections are rightly responded to "Europe USA".

I expect or some kind of peaceful campaign where everyone will talk about his advantages, which I am not sure that he can bring the Benefit GP Urah, Democrats, or we will see some kind of conflict that has already begun to whether.

As the Constitutional Court pointed out, it was supposed to make a decision on whether the President's decree on the abbreviation of the mandate of the Assembly in accordance with the highest legal act. Nenezic reminded that Cemi warned that the Constitutional Court must not be a political court.

Unfortunately, we have a situation to dominate political parties and that some members of the Court represent what their interests are. In this situation we have three - three and it produces legal effect, because you have a decree published in the Official Gazette, the MUP has published a polling list, the processes went - Nenezić stated.

He also considers that the newly elected president of the state James Milatović cannot bring a decree to the earlier decision of President Milo Djukanovic to dissolve the Assembly and announced extraordinary parliamentary elections for June 11th.

It seems to me that legal experts agree on that, "Nenezic said. She reminded that Milatovic's inauguration would be on May 21st, and to surrender the election lists by May 16.

So stop the entire process, which is the basis or reason, because you have none of the time to get ready for the elections, I don't think it's a good approach, nor has the establishment in the laws and the constitution - says Nenezić.

She said and that the presidential elections were tracing the paths of parties for the parliamentary elections.

And that is what we see now "Europe USA" is in constant growth, it started from local, and through the presidential elections, and parliamentary elections are a real test that will show us the strength of political parties. It will be interesting to see how much support they have the parties carried out by the executive, to appreciate how much they contributed to the reforms.

The Assembly was the only body that had legitimacy, but after the dissolution of the parliament, as Nenezić says, we can say that it is our state in the V.D. condition.

All this is, as it points out, the consequence of the fact that the laws on the Assembly and the Government are not adopted.

What are the reasons, I think it is clear to us much easier to function in that kind of legal nature, but when you have clear regulations - Nenezić pointed out that the Laws are to be interpreted by how to respond. In the Assembly, which J is The shortened mandate, believes that only the most basic obligations should be performed.

Someone who does not have a full term should not make decisions that could change the company, "Nenezic said.


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