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More than 20 NGOs are asking Marković to protect Boban Batrićević

Today, 22 Montenegrin non-governmental organizations sent a letter to the Supreme State Prosecutor, Milorad Marković, asking him to review the reasons for initiating misdemeanor proceedings against Boban Batrićević due to the column he published on the Antena M portal.
They asked Marković to protect Batrićević, against whom state prosecutor Snežaan Šišević initiated proceedings.
We ask Marković to stand up for the protection of freedom of expression and order the suspension of the misdemeanor proceedings initiated by state prosecutor Snežana Šišević against Boban Batrićević, the author of the column "Torokanje po metodologiju i Đaonikia", published on the Antena M portal. NGOs warn that this misdemeanor proceeding returns "verbal delict" in Montenegrin practice and endangers freedom of expression inappropriately for a country that is a member of the Council of Europe and aspiring to membership in the European Union, they stated.
They reminded that the letter with the same content, which was previously addressed to Acting Supreme State Prosecutor Tatjana Begović remained unanswered, while the disputed misdemeanor proceedings continued in the meantime.
In the letter, VDT Marković was asked to investigate the reasons for the establishment of a case by the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica against the author of the text Miljan Vešović and the editor of the Antena M portal, Darko Šuković, because that text also does not contain elements of any criminal offense or misdemeanor and is protected by freedom of expression is the NGO's position, they said.
The letter is signed by 22 NGOs:
Human Rights Action (HRA)
Spectrum Association
Center for Democratic Transition (CDT)
Center for Civil Liberties (CEGAS)
Center for Civic Education (CGO)
Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM)
Center for Investigative Journalism (CIN CG)
Center for Monitoring and Research (CeMI)
Center for Training and Education of Montenegro
Center for the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations (CRNVO)
Center for Women's Rights (CŽP)
Center for Women's and Peace Education ANIMA
Montenegrin LGBTIQ association Kvir Montenegro
Montenegrin PEN Center
Montenegrin women's lobby
Association of Professional Journalists of Montenegro (DPNCG)
ERA - Alliance for equal rights of LGBTI persons in the Western Balkans and Turkey
Media Institute of Montenegro
Media center
Montenegrin Philological Society

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