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Mugosa: No need for frightened surprises over the presence of Mandic in the SNS headquarters

There is no need for fraudulent surprises due to the presence of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Andrija Mandić on the celebration of the ruling party in another state, says MP SD, Boris Mugoša.

Reacting to the appearance of Mandic in the SNS headquarters after the proclamation of the victory in Serbia, Mugoša says that "man does not change his ideology for decades and does not hide the attachment to the top of the authorities in Serbia."

Second, he (his coalition) won 13 mandates in the elections in Montenegro, so he is in the position of the Parliament President thanks to the 36 mandates of other parties. I didn't hear, humiliated Montenegro, but those who voted him, like those from the various segments of society that relativize reality and acting above.


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