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Nenezic: PES and Democrats will be the backbone of the Government, Milatovic's pressure is inappropriate

The movement of "Europe USA" and Democrats will be the backbone of the new government, assessed the executive director of the Center for Monitoring and Research Ana Nenezić.

She says that the future government will, if it forms, is formed by PES, Democrats, BS, parties of smaller nations.

We are waiting to see whether Civis will eventually be in that government and, as far as I understood, the SNP expressed a willingness to support that government. These are the figures that guarantee minimal support, sufficient that the government is formed - Nenezić stated.

It also considers how the president of the President of the State of Jakov Milatović is inappropriate.

I think that is an interference inappropriately because Milatovic's function ended the moment the mandate gave Milojka Spajić. Therefore, Spajić has the right to form a future government based on the strategy and principles of their beliefs, in a way that Montenegrin society needs to be further developed, in accordance with the visions and the strategy I have - she pointed out.

The forces on the side, as he stated, has.

There are not only international, but also regional pressures, which are primarily coming from Serbia. This is obvious on the basis of public statements of the largest officials of Serbia. Can this affect the spacers - we will see. It all depends on who will do the government to form - Nenezić concluded.


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