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ODT formed an item on the occasion of the threat of Antennas m

The basic State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica formed the case on the occasion of the threats of the antenna m, said the leader of the Head of Odt Duško Milanović.

After we were informed of Police Podgorica, the prosecutor took the prosecutor and formed an object against the NN perpetrator of the criminal offense by threatening security - he said.

The editorial board of the Antenna M is from a person who is presented on social networks as Đorđije Tadić received death threats and note that the media "the largest Ustasha litter in the Balkans"

Under urgent liquidate editor and deputy and the rest removed - writes that user.

The obvious speech of hatred reacted the undergrid basic state prosecutor's office.

Sukovic, on the other hand, says that they will not report to the competent night that the previous night is a certain Đorđije Tadić, or someone who falsely invited, in the comments on a social network to his liquidation.

Sukovic believes that Montenegrin organs can also act ex officio.

If we put things in a broader context so we look at how some addresses of others react - that is, not responding, selectivity of the eyes. I think of embassies that have known the previous decades and years to react faster than state institutions when they occur similar things - Šuković added that they now or silent or advertised kurtoose - without any effects.


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