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POSP Meeting Januar in Brussels

The meeting of the European Union Parliamentary Committee (EU) and Montenegro for stabilization and joining (POSP) will be held on 25 January in Brussels, it was said at today's Government session.

The previous meeting of the POSP, which was supposed to be held in mid-December, was canceled after the Amendments to the President's Law were adopted in the Assembly of Montenegro.

Koped, POSP Vladimir Bilčik said then that the adoption of the Act's amendments was a direct challenge for the long-standing European ambitions of Montenegro, including the respect of the constitutionality and principles of the rule of law.

"This was not an option I wanted, but because of the current political context, it was not appropriate to hold a joint meeting in Strasbur 14-15. December, ”Bilčik said.

POSP was educated in June 2010, after the entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement.

The Committee consists of the Prophets of the Assembly of Montenegro and the European Parliament, and meets twice a year, alternately in Brussels or Strazbur and Podgorica.

POSP considers all aspects of relations between the EU and Montenegro, and in particular the application of an agreement on stabilization and association.


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