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Summary protest in front of the Basic Court, employees seek protection

Employed in the judicial institutions of the Society at 11:30 am an organized protest in front of the Basic Court to draw attention to the competent attention to the festivities of the courts in which they work.
The President of the Chamber of Commerce, Zdravko Begovic, told the RTCG portal that the protest was a way to draw attention to the competent to the celestiality in the basic courts in the country.
What we testified on Friday was the last call to competent to provide security in buildings by the basis of courts, so that all employees and citizens would be savvy - said Begovic.
He urged all citizens to join them on a protest in front of the Basic Court in Podgorica.
The lawyers, prosecutors and all employees in judicial institutions invite support for events from two days ago when M.B activated an explosive device when entering the Basic Court and Prosecutor's building.

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