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The right to vote in the presidential election has 542,154 citizens

From the Interior Ministry, they announced that they will be held on March 19, the right to vote would have 542,154 citizens.

As they said, the number of voters in the voter list of Montenegro in which the previous elections held on 30 August 2020 was 540.026.

The number of voters in the concluded voting list of Montenegro on the occasion of the presidential election, on March 8, 2023, is: 542.154. Insight into the polling station, the voter can achieve in person, at the counters of regional units and branches for administrative tasks, citizenship and foreign ministry (Monday to Friday) in the term from 08 to 14 h, with a valid ID card or travel document (Passport), except in the regional board for administrative tasks, citizenship and foreigners Podgorica, where the voter list insight, can be achieved in the previous way in the period from 08 to 17.

They note that regional units and branches for administrative tasks, citizenship and foreigners in all municipalities, at the time of the election, ie. On Sunday, March 19, 2023, work in the period from 7 to 20 hours, in order for citizens to be able to take over the identification documents, for whose issuance, the request was submitted in the previous period.

The voter may inspect the voter list directly and via the Internet portal On that portal, the citizen entering the number of ID cards or travel documents can check whether it is in the voter list and where the voice is voted. Voters who possess an electronic ID issued after March 30, 2020, insight into the voter list may directly and through the Internet portal, using an electronic identification certificate that is incorporated into electronic ID card.

Please note that, and in order to make a citizen in the possibility of an insight into the voter list in the described way, it is necessary to previously activate certificates in the electronic ID card. Instructions on how to activate the certificate is located on the website In the eve of the stated elections, the Ministry of the Interior was formed by the "Call-center" with a unique number in 19820 by reference to this number and communication, the date of birth and the name of the parent) or a uniformity of the operator to obtain information about Whether he was enrolled in the voter list and where the polling station voice. The unique number 19820 is free and available for all mobile and fixed telephony users in Montenegro, listed from the MUP.


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