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Unanimous support for the formation of a broad supra-party alliance

The Main Committee of the Social Democrats of Montenegro (SD) unanimously supported the proposal of the Presidency of that party to form a broad supra-party alliance, which, in addition to the SD, would include the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Liberal Party (LP), as well as non-party associations and recognized independents. intellectuals and civil activists.
"Aware of the situation in which Montenegro finds itself today, and the fact that normality and decency have long since become a rarity on our political scene, together with colleagues from program-related parties, we recently started discussions about the need to create a new credible opposition offer, which, in addition to ideologically similar political entities, non-political associations, as well as numerous prominent individuals who want to contribute to the strengthening of a true civil bloc. As time went on and the conversations continued, we became more and more convinced of the correctness of this approach. Today, we can proudly point out that both the Presidency and the Main Committee supported the formation of just such a broad alliance", the SD announced.

They said that they are particularly encouraged by the fact that, in addition to the party membership and a wide base of activists, positive reactions come every day from citizens who are very close to the idea of ​​forming such a supra-party political framework, and who express their desire and intention to contribute to the affirmation of the alliance, which will , by the way, will be officially presented very soon.

"In a time of ubiquitous fragmentation of the political offer, by gathering in an alliance all those who have been fundamentally grounded in civic, state-building and Euro-Atlantic values ​​for decades, we show that we are also aware of the importance of the political moment in which we find ourselves, and even more so our role in it. Just as we were recognized in the nineties for our modern, for that time unusual avant-garde politics, with which everyone was clean, so it will be in the new political time we live in, recognized unfortunately not only for the affirmation of retrogradeness, superficiality and lack of culture, but also for the collapse basic values ​​on which our society must rest if it wants to be truly European," SD President Damir Šehović said at the session of the Main Board.

As Šehović pointed out, it will offer answers to all the challenges we face, but the focus will be on all those issues that can contribute to a better standard of living for our citizens, such as economy, health, social welfare, education...

"We will try to contribute to the achievement of a new social consensus and compromise through our political activities, which we seem to need more than ever, but we will by no means do this at any cost. And even less will we try to reach it in the way that the current government is doing, by trying to combine the incompatible for the sake of false reconciliation, to revise history, and thus fundamentally collapse all those values ​​that are precisely defined by the Constitution, and refer to civil, multi-ethnic, secular, anti-fascist and European orientation", concluded Šehović.

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