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VDT created a case regarding the text of priest Femić on "unification"

The Higher State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica opened a case regarding the text "Unification or Ukrainianization" by the priest Ognjen Femić, which was published on the IN4S portal, and gave an order to the Police Directorate to collect the necessary information - Lepa Medenica, the manager and spokeswoman of the Higher State Prosecutor's Office, confirmed to Portal Pobjeda.
We remind you that the disputed text states, among other things, that "The process of unification of the Serbian people began three years ago and it is unstoppable."
It can be postponed for a year, two, ten, but that moment will inevitably come. This process was initiated by the people from their very depths, and it does not depend on individuals or institutions. Someone might say that the church is behind this process, but in this case it doesn't even depend on it. Just as the church did not even start the processions, but only joined and stood at the head of that movement, as it behooves the church to always be in the front ranks of its people - said Femić on that occasion.
He assessed that the current Montenegro "was created on anti-state elements" and that it is "the antipode of the state".
M. J.

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