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Vlahović to Milatović: And this is your reaction, then? Sad and shameful

And this is your reaction, then? Sad and shameful - assessed the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and diplomat Miodrag Vlahović in response to the President of the State, Jakov Milatović, regarding his tweet in which he said that "interference by foreign actors in the creation of the Government in Montenegro is unacceptable".
Which ones, His Excellency, Jakov Milatović? What are their names, what country are they from, from what positions do they do it? Which is exactly wrong. And this is your reaction, then? Sad and shameful - said Vlahović on the social network Iks (X), in a tweet.
Well, he adds, taking pictures with his family and promoting his wife is not the essence of being president, "even if it's accidental".
If addressed to western addresses, H.E. To Jakov Milatović, as some (correctly, it seems) think, that is precisely ridiculous and irresponsible. Then you are even less serious than you look," Vlahović concluded.

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