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Zirojević to URA: You will never erase the stamp of a traitor

Reading the reaction of the General Assembly of URA regarding the direct interference of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, in the campaign before the population census in Montenegro, I pinched myself twice, would I not wake up if it was all a dream - said Social Democrat MP Nikola Zirojević.
It turned out, in the end, that it wasn't a dream, that it wasn't a parallel reality, but a phenomenon that I believed was as likely as the owl from the Harry Potter saga knocking on my bedroom window and handing me a letter in which I am being invited for a six-year education at Hogwarts - he stated.
Zirojević adds that he does not know which of the two scenarios happened in URA.
The first thing that comes to mind is that they were struck by Vučić's words that, after three years of their absolute servitude and total humility, "only those who speak the worst about Serbia can be in the Government of Montenegro". It turned out to be true what I predicted to them, that, like all traitors, Vučić would only be useful for one time use. That, in the end, happened - Džihan's hospital went bankrupt, and the same fate is smiling on Dritan's party. And I can't hide that I am immensely looking forward to it. Another possible scenario is that the URA, aware of the fact that they have been used in this way, tries again, in the most hypocritical way possible, to turn towards the Montenegrin electorate. It is obvious that they are so rude to try something like that, and that they really underestimate the citizens of Montenegro to such an extent, believing that they will get away with it - said Zirojević.
It is sad, according to his words, "to see this group which, until the last breath, burned for Vučić's interests by renting out their own house, how now they frantically try to present themselves as independent and protectors of Montenegrin interests".
The time for that proof has passed long ago, and the seal of traitors that they earned with painstaking effort and work will never be erased - concluded Zirojević.

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