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Drama in the Zagreb hospital: patients fled through the window, the head nurse turned out to be a hero


The police detained a man who this morning threatened with a starting pistol in Zagreb's Rebro Hospital, and the situation in the hospital is under surveillance. This morning at 10:05 a.m., the Zagreb police received a request from KBC Zagreb for intervention due to a threatening man.

The man threatened with a weapon, and in his hand he had a starter pistol that is used at sports events, according to the Zagreb Police Department.

Patients were escaping through the window

The man entered the so-called basement. Green buildings, where the Crisis Center of the Clinic for Psychiatry is located. The employee at the hospital we spoke with says that there was no official information, so the employees informed each other about the incident and warned everyone present to stay in their rooms.

He says that the patients who were in group therapy, after the nurse told them what was happening, left the building through the window. There is a hole several meters deep under the window, so patients and hospital staff were holding each other. Although some of them got sick, they all got through without injury.

"The head sister turned out to be a real hero"

The employee of the hospital also says that the head nurse from the Psychiatry Clinic spent half an hour calming down the man who broke into the hospital and threatened. She managed to persuade him to allow the other nurse and the doctor to leave the room and was left alone in the ambulance with the attacker.

"She turned out to be a real hero," said the employee, who wished to remain anonymous.

The police say that the situation is now completely normalized and that a criminal investigation is underway.

KBC Rebro said that they will send a statement later.

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