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Satellite footage indicate the deployment of Russian cruise missiles to nuclear drive

Author: M.J.

Two US Researchers claim that in Russia, they were likely to deploy new Russian cruise missiles - 9m370 Burevestnik - for whom President Vladimir Putin said they had an almost ungretter defense, reports Reuters, and reports the voice America.

In the pictures of the image on 26 July made the Komercial Satellite company Planet Labs were identified by construction projects located near the warehouse of nuclear warheads known under the names of Vologda-20 and Čebsar, as a potential place to place new missiles. The facility is located about 500 km north of Moscow.

The deployment of borevesters in Vologue would allow Russian army to be available for quick launch.

Finding a place for the possible launch of rockets suggests that Russia continues with their deployment after the series of tests in recent years, in which there were problems.

Analyst of the research and analytical organization CNA, looked at satellite images and identified nine horizontal launch ramps under construction. They are located in three separate groups, to protect them from attacks or to prevent random explosion in one of the projectile detonation in others.

The Russian Ministry of Defense and Embassy in Washington did not answer the request to comment on this discovery, the strategic value of burevestants, test results and the risks they represent. The spokesman of the Kremlin said that these were questions for the Ministry of Defense and refused to comment on.

Hans Kristensen from the Federation of American Scientists, who also studied the pictures of Vologue on the request of Evelet, said that he acted that they were launched ramps. But he said he could not give the final assessment, because Moscow usually does not set such ramps next to the nuclear warhead warehouse.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Rjabkov said that Russia would change its own nuclear weapons, in response to, "Western Escalation in the War in Ukraine," said the State News Agency TASS on Sunday.

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