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When the war veterans booed, he gave them the middle finger


Yesterday, a Gastro Fest was organized on Lake Bardača near Banja Luka, where an incident occurred between members of the Association of Veterans of the Defense and Patriotic War and the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

Dodik came to the festival by helicopter, and when he passed by the tent where the veterans had gathered, an incident occurred. He approached them to shake hands, but they refused him, writes Klix. Then they shouted after him, and Dodik then turned and showed them his middle finger.

After Dodik left, two of Dodik's entourage approached the veterans and one of them acted aggressively.

"It is true that there was an unpleasant situation when Milorad Dodik approached our table. People did not want to shake hands with him and began to complain loudly, and then he turned and showed them the middle finger. After that, one of the members of his insurance got into a discussion with our people, but a more serious incident was still prevented," said the vice president of the association, Nedeljko Klincov.

Branislav Borenović confirmed for that it happened and said that everything happened unexpectedly in ten seconds, and he also announced everything on X.

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