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Interview: Nikola Prvulović- Compliments Private


Munw- When did you start dealing with this job, what were the beginnings of the career?

NP- My beginnings were very long ago. As I encourage music families, my father enrolled at the music for 8 years in the music school "Miodrag Vasiljevic" in Bor, and after that I went to the piano department. Even then, fewer performances began at the events, school celebrations ...

Munw- Where and when was your first performance?

NP - Uh, that's a difficult question. There were various performances, during primary school were school events, in the High School I was a member of the city choir and performed at larger local events. To say that the first, real paid performances began about 2000 in my hometown of Bor and surrounding villages.

Muwn - What is the cooperation with the colleagues of musicians, and you cooperate with many?

NP- This job is dynamic and each performance is different, sometimes with dear stars, but I always tried to work with everyone in the same way, to first be nice to perform with me, and always take a good impression. As much as I succeed, it is already a question that they can give the answer.

Muwn- are common and traveling to performances, tours, how to do your colleagues like that?

NP- It is one of the more beautiful parts of this job, traveling a lot, there are places that may not otherwise be able to visit. The bad side is that these trips are hard and require additional costs and organization, but at the end of the joy of guests and good criticisms and recommendations are worth that effort.

Muwn- Have you taken with some duet song so far, are you planning to do it?

NP- There were several songs in which I sang Vocal Shares, and for a while, in our dear guests, however, more seriously recording requires great investment so that I did not move in that direction more seriously.

Muwn- How much do compliments mean to you, you get after performing?

NPcompliments always enjoy, as well as in each job where direct gratification is obtained. It gives an incentive for improvement, and of course, the best advertisement is a direct recommendation of people.

Muwn- What are your plans for the next period?

NP- I do not see the in principle, I see my value in cooperation with all my dear colleagues. Jobs, thank God, there is a joy and celebration, and we will do somehow, hahaha.

Muwn -Vit and work in the United States. After a long time, I brought my family here and my family, wife and son. How happy does that make you?

NP- It was a difficult and long struggle, and the job suffered, plenty of departures to Serbia to visit the wife and son. Thank God, that ended, and I can say that I am happy. Nothing else can compare to a wealth that offers a family and child, the whole world turns better.

Muwn- Will you continue the same pace of performing as so far?

NP- We go for the same pace for now, the music is a strange job, very easy to enter the blood and becomes not just a job, occupation, but also a part of a man and a special way of relationship with people.

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