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COMMENT: The list as a weapon

The famous population census in Montenegro should be organized from November 1 this year. There is great interest in that census and all attention is directed towards it in Serbia. Many would say strange, what does the leadership of another country have to do with the census in one country. In this Montenegrin, not only the second country Serbia intervened, but also the third Russia. And the goal is clear, by falsifying data to complete the process of killing Montenegro and Montenegrins. And the fact that 2 million ballots were printed for a state of about 620,000 inhabitants and that the members of the census commissions are prominent members of pro-Serbian and pro-Russian parties in power and members of their families is the best evidence of planned fraud and abuse of the census results.
Montenegrins must not agree to such and such a list. Because by falsifying the data, their number will be reduced to a minimum, and the path to their physical destruction will also be opened. And I am not exaggerating when I say this, because throughout history, Serbia has tried to physically eliminate Montenegrins with the most monstrous crimes. And there is no doubt that even today the Serbian hordes would slaughter and kill all Montenegrins with daggers and as they only know how.
What we are observing these days are the anemic reactions of the opposition and pro-Montenegrin parties. They advertise so anemic that it even offends every reasonable Montenegrin. And that they have no intention of taking any action regarding this evil, which Belgrade and Moscow are preparing through their henchmen from the Democratic Front, Democratic Montenegro and the Europe Now Movement, is best shown by the fact that they have not even declaratively supported the citizens of Nikšić, who have been blocking the main road for three days. in protest against the organization of the census.
That's why Montenegrins and all of you who love Montenegro and which is in your heart, do not agree to the list. Do not let enumerators into your homes, boycott the process. They cannot legally punish you, but they can punish those who falsify data. That's why you know what your option is - Boycott and protests until the final freedom of Montenegro from the Quisling government servile to the genocidal and fascist states of Serbia and Russia.
author - M.Jahović

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